As we already discussed in previous and first post of JMeter is that JMeter is 100% pure Java application, hence it is required to have installed JVM on your system.
Following are the minimum requirement before you try to run JMeter :
Java Environment
- Minimum Java Version 1.6 or higher is best. Follow the instructions on Oracle's official website to see how to set the JAVA_HOME environmental variable.
Operating System
- Any operating system which has Java compliant implementation should be able to run JMeter without any problem.
Running JMeter
- Once the JVM is set and running, download the JMeter release or nightly build and unzip in local drive.
- If you are running JMeter on Windows. Go to JMeter's unzipped directory and navigate to bin directory and run jmeter.bat file.
- If you are running JMeter on Linux/Unix system. Go to JMeter's unzipped directory and navigate to bin directory and run file using terminal.
- If you are running JMeter on Mac. Go to JMeter's unzipped directory and navigate to bin directory and run file using terminal.
This is the view of JMeter you will see after launching it:
Stay tuned to see more updates on JMeter.
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